I'm not a writer, so this is simply to redirect inquiring minds to people who can say what I want to say in a better way.
Good Point's Articles In Politics
August 3, 2006 by Good Point
New Page 1 Now that Haditha has been brought back into the news with the defamation lawsuit filed by one of the Marines against Rep. Murtha, I noticed something today that I didn't notice before.  The footage of the dead bodies comes from the Hammurabi Human Rights organization.  All other aspects of this case aside, is anyone else struck by the irony?  Hammurabi and Human Rights in the same title ?
July 5, 2006 by Good Point
Bad News/Good News from Iraq The death of Zarqawi has done very little, if anything, to stop the violence in Iraq. A more promising note: attacks on the Iraqi oil pipelines have been non-existent as of late.