I'm not a writer, so this is simply to redirect inquiring minds to people who can say what I want to say in a better way.
Published on August 3, 2006 By Good Point In Blogging
HeadOn--apply directly to the forehead.
HeadOn--apply directly to the forehead.
HeadOn--apply directly to the forehead.

I would just love to go to every store where it's sold and destroy their stock. I think they make the commercial so annoying that you actually get a headache and feel compelled to buy their product to cure it.

Then they have:

Activon--apply directly where it hurts.


Freedom from Hemmorhoids? FREEdHEM hemmorhoidal cream.
Freedom from Hemmorhoids? FREEdHEM hemmorhoidal cream.
Freedom from Hemmorhoids? FREEdHEM hemmorhoidal cream.

I hope the makers of this product mistake FREEdHEM for HeadOn. Preferably after it has just been smeared on straight from the tube after it was used by an fat, dirty man with a really bad case.

on Aug 03, 2006
It IS a very annoying commercial. I'm going to show this article to my GF. She not only hates it, but she also was going to write a blog about how much she dislikes it.

The makers of the ad should take some of that "FREEdHEM hemmorhoidal cream" and apply directly to their lips, apply directly to their lips, apply directly to their lips because I'm tired of hearing their sh*t.
on Aug 03, 2006
you are right, that commercial sends me scrambling for the mute button on the remote.
on Aug 03, 2006
you are right, that commercial sends me scrambling for the mute button on the remote.

They send me to the "last" button. Which switches the channel! I not only dont want to hear them, I dont want to see them either!
on Aug 03, 2006
<---doing the "damn glad I don't have a TV so's I don't know what y'all's talkin' about" dance!
on Aug 03, 2006
I think the worst is those retarded Sprint commercials. "That's phenomonal". I really need to open up an ad agency because I could do better than that. And those VW crash commercials, freak me out. I hate them.
on Aug 03, 2006
"FREEdHEM hemmorhoidal cream" and apply directly to their lips, apply directly to their lips, apply directly to their lips because I'm tired of hearing their sh*t.

OK, now that is funny!!!
on Aug 03, 2006
I think that they delibertely made the commercial annoying so we'd GET a headache and then try out their product! thinking we're not smart enough to mute the tv!

rotten commercials!
on Aug 03, 2006
~~It IS a very annoying commercial. I'm going to show this article to my GF. She not only hates it, but she also was going to write a blog about how much she dislikes it.~~

He's right...I HATE IT!!!!!!! I'm being serious when I say I'm gonna file a complaint about it.
on Aug 03, 2006
When the Head-On commercial comes on - the mute button gets pressed.
on Aug 03, 2006
If you hadn't said that commercial, I might've applied something directly to your forehead.

I've considered writing to CNN Headline News to ask them to stop using that commercial. It has honestly caused me to change the channel multiple times. I wouldn't think that a network would want to have that sort of product sponsoring them.
on Aug 03, 2006
Wow, I feel lucky to not have been subjected to it.
on Aug 04, 2006
This commercial is so annoying that I knew full well that others would be commenting on it. They seem to think that we are morons. Even if I had a migrane problem I wouldn't purchase this product, I am forced to change channels every time it comes to air because it bothers me so much. I hope the people who push this crap are actually listening and reading responses because if they do they will change their ad tactics immediately, before they go broke.

It is the most annoying piece of crap that I have ever experienced on television, and I would die of migrane folly before purchasing this product.
on Aug 04, 2006
I think the new geico commercial with a "regular person" and Littel Richard as her spokesman is my new hated commercial.
on Oct 08, 2006
The Head On folks now have a new one in which a guy actually says that while he hates their commercial he likes their product.

Obviously they got the word.
on Oct 08, 2006
Are you gellin?
Gellin like Magellan.
Have you met the bride, Helen McMellan?
Have you tried the prosciutto and melon?

*third party overhearing the conversation pulls out a gun and kills them all. Wild applause and cheering ensue...*