HeadOn--apply directly to the forehead.
HeadOn--apply directly to the forehead.
HeadOn--apply directly to the forehead.
I would just love to go to every store where it's sold and destroy their stock. I think they make the commercial so annoying that you actually get a headache and feel compelled to buy their product to cure it.
Then they have:
Activon--apply directly where it hurts.
Freedom from Hemmorhoids? FREEdHEM hemmorhoidal cream.
Freedom from Hemmorhoids? FREEdHEM hemmorhoidal cream.
Freedom from Hemmorhoids? FREEdHEM hemmorhoidal cream.
I hope the makers of this product mistake FREEdHEM for HeadOn. Preferably after it has just been smeared on straight from the tube after it was used by an fat, dirty man with a really bad case.