I'm not a writer, so this is simply to redirect inquiring minds to people who can say what I want to say in a better way.
Violence high, but oil exports are too
Published on July 5, 2006 By Good Point In Politics
Bad News/Good News from Iraq

The death of Zarqawi has done very little, if anything, to stop the violence in Iraq.

A more promising note: attacks on the Iraqi oil pipelines have been non-existent as of late.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 05, 2006
Crippled people dont move very far or fast.  Nor their organizations.
on Jul 05, 2006
Is killing someone ever intended to end all violence, or the violence that they are responsible for?
on Jul 05, 2006
Is killing someone ever intended to end all violence, or the violence that they are responsible for?

Fair point. I don't think anyone expected the former. But the latter isn't the case either.
on Jul 08, 2006
>A more promising note: attacks on the Iraqi oil pipelines have been non-existent as of late.

give it time!

I am personally on the side of the insurgency/rebellion. I would be doing EXACTLY what they are
currently doing ... if the positions were reversed ... hell I think I would not be so "humane" as
they currently are

then again ... thats just me
on Jul 08, 2006

>A more promising note: attacks on the Iraqi oil pipelines have been non-existent as of late.

give it time!

I am personally on the side of the insurgency/rebellion. I would be doing EXACTLY what they are
currently doing ... if the positions were reversed ... hell I think I would not be so "humane" as
they currently are

then again ... thats just me

Ah the voice of the loony left!  Kill Americans cause you hate the president.  You really are pathetic.  A sorry use of a bag of flesh, and brain dead to boot.

Why dont you volunteer to help the insurgency?  Coward?  Yep.

on Jul 08, 2006
give it time!

Of course, the argument ender: Give it time. Not too different from the Administration's line, we've turned the corner.

I am personally on the side of the insurgency/rebellion.

Why? If you are an American, what benefit does an insurgency victory bring to you?

I would be doing EXACTLY what they are currently doing ... if the positions were reversed ... hell I think I would not be so "humane" asthey currently arethen again ... thats just me

Bravado, bravado. The truth is you'd be defecating in your pants every time you heard something out of the ordinary, praying to Allah that you and your family wouldn't be wisked away by a Shiite death squad...hoping that your wife and daughter wouldn't be raped before your eyes while the enemy was pushing a powerdrill through your temple. And I say this as someone who saw some pretty bad stuff in warfare.
on Jul 08, 2006
>Why? If you are an American, what benefit does an insurgency victory bring to you?

What does the success of our side bring to me?
Nothing either way.

Reread my comment ... I clearly stated that I would be doing what they are doing (open and violent
rebellion) if the positions were reversed and they had invaded here.

Their victory is the victory of the comman man against an invading force and I AM IN FULL SUPPORT
OF THAT ... no matter how much of our own bleeds for them to gain it.

maybe next time, we will think twice before we try and impose our will on another who hasnt the
means to fight back ... another who hasnt wronged "us"

>Bravado, bravado. The truth is you'd be defecating in your pants every time you heard something
>out of the ordinary, praying to Allah that you and your family wouldn't be wisked away by a
>Shiite death squad...

... no know nothing of me. But Ill play your game:
Shiites' right? arent they the majority in government? our NEW allies?
These death squads ... any different from the Nicaraquan variant Negroponte set up?

>hoping that your wife and daughter wouldn't be raped before your eyes while the enemy was pushing
>a powerdrill through your temple. And I say this as someone who saw some pretty bad stuff in

Good for you.
Obviously you havent seen enough ... or youve chosen NOT TO LEARN anything from it.

AGAIN I support the rebellion against an invasion
whether or not its by sunnis in the so called "insurgency"
by nationalistic shiites allied with Moqtadar Al Sadr

I LAUGH at stupid idiotic iraqi's holding:
wedding ceremonies
family gatherings
going to school
building a life an family
while all this is going on

They are complete and utter MORONS.
There should be nothing more that VIOLENT rebellion in the streets. there should be no breathing
or eating or sleeping until the occupation ends by FORCE OF WILL.

So the ones trying to restore their life and finding death ... deserve it. There should be open
rebellion by the entire populace against the coalition ... anything less is a joke ...
on Jul 08, 2006
"Fair point. I don't think anyone expected the former. But the latter isn't the case either."

No, I think we can be QUITE certain that we've ended the Zarqawi's violence. Killing a violent man need not be justified by ending all violence. Ending his is enough. If others decide to become violent, that's their free will, not the blame of people fighting Zarqawi's wrongs.
on Jul 08, 2006
"They are complete and utter MORONS.
There should be nothing more that VIOLENT rebellion in the streets. there should be no breathing
or eating or sleeping until the occupation ends by FORCE OF WILL.

So the ones trying to restore their life and finding death ... deserve it. There should be open
rebellion by the entire populace against the coalition ... anything less is a joke ..."

And in one breath he shows himself to not only be a proponent of traitorous ideals against the US, but against Iraq, too. It's no surprise that peace isn't something he wants, though, because hateful people rarely seek peace. When they say they do, they are just offering it as a rhetorical tactic.
on Jul 08, 2006
>hoping that your wife and daughter wouldn't be raped before your eyes while the enemy was pushing
>a powerdrill through your temple.

By the way ... THATS US YOU KNOW
did you read the one about the marine that stalked a young girl for a few days then went into her
RAPED HER (while her family was detained by our "noble" troops)
then set her on fire
and put bullet holes through the rest of the family

Shiite deathsquads?
tis our "christian" troops

I am still waiting for these idiots that call themselve iraqis to start open rebellion where the
streets are UNWALKABLE and no convoys can fly in or out or deliver food ... just a complete
and utter shutdown of that country

Until then ... they wont have my respect
on Jul 08, 2006
>And in one breath he shows himself to not only be a proponent of traitorous ideals against the US

Our founding fathers went to OPEN REBELLION against his majesty' forces in order to create what
we have here ... we took up arms to prevent the British from imposing their will

So also must ALL iraqi'. until that happens ... nothing will come of this farce.

I have raised my son and daughter with that mentality.
Love this country enough to defend THE GROUND YOU STAND ON ...

"his" territory not yours

Bakerstreet if you think this invasion of Iraq is so noble ...

they are waiting for you
until then ... you are just talk!
on Jul 08, 2006
maybe next time, we will think twice before we try and impose our will on another who hasnt the
means to fight back ...

You're not only a piece of shit, but you're a stupid piece of shit. Last time I checked, Iraq had an army before we defeated it in order to free it's people. If you had any real clue as to what you're vomiting about you'd know that the vast majority of "insurgents" in Iraq are foreign. They aren't Iraqi's you stupid piece of shit.
on Jul 08, 2006
"Bakerstreet if you think this invasion of Iraq is so noble ...

they are waiting for you
until then ... you are just talk!"

The insurgency is waiting for you, too. Heck, there are multitudes of anti-US interests you show your sympathy for. Why aren't cheering on CHavez in Venezuala or lobbing rockets into Israel? The US military wouldn't allow me to join now, but age and health won't stop you from wrapping a towel around your face and taking up the banner of jihad... ass.
on Jul 08, 2006
You're not only a piece of shit, but you're a stupid piece of shit. Last time I checked, Iraq had an army before we defeated it in order to free it's people. If you had any real clue as to what you're vomiting about you'd know that the vast majority of "insurgents" in Iraq are foreign. They aren't Iraqi's you stupid piece of shit.

My only response to the coward has been noted and published. He is a coward every which way as he dares not show his face behind his cowardly words, nor does he back up his idiocy with deeds. Just more hate and death. He is almost as bad as bin Laden. The difference being, one is at lesat ready to stand behind their cowardly ways. He is too cowardly even for that.

I would suggest to Good Point to ban him until he has the cohones to register and debate. A coward dies many deaths. So far, he has died a couple dozen, with many more to go.
on Jul 08, 2006
>Iraq had an army before we defeated it in order to free it's people.

1. When did that army declare war on us?
2. I didnt hear anything about "freeing" anyone ... all I heard was WMD and its bad dictator
3. How many of its people did we poll before we went in?
4. People are dying in Sudan and North Korea right now
They are dying in the Balkans, and Congo and a few other places ... when are we going to free
5. Are you willing to risk YOUR LIFE or the LIFE OF YOUR SON/DAUGHTER to free the southerners in
the SUDAN ???
if so get a gun and take a flight to a neighboring country (egypt or kenya), cross the border into
Sudan and join "their" resistance

>If you had any real clue as to what you're vomiting about you'd know that the vast majority of >"insurgents" in Iraq are foreign.

Where do you get your news?
JEESH turn off the damn t.v and go to the library and read (READ again I repeat) read what
foreign media is saying about this mess ... read what the media of our allies (timesonline in the
uk ... dies spegel in germany blah blah blah) is saying about the news coming out of that country.

You would be floored.
99% of the rebels are home grown ... thats how the are able to BLEND into the populace you fool.

Go read some of the tactics we learned from vietnam ... those are meanth for rebels swimming in

If the insurgency and rebellion is foreign .. why is Maliki proposing an AMNESTY and talking
openly to rebel leaders he contacts through sunni imams?

What is Moqtadar Al Sadr's group "the Mahdi army" if Iraqi? Are they jordanian?, iranian?

Remember how many of our soldiers they killed in the two uprisings a few years ago.
Guess what ... 5 of our soldiers died in Baghdad today ... trying to arrest a Mahdi Army
battalion leader

dude you are a fool and I pity you.

If iraqi's were in this country ... what would you be doing?
if you say anything other than fighting back then you are a COWARD of the highest caliber and
you do not deserve to live in this country.

if there were more men like you when this country was freed from British control ... we would
all be serving her majesty right now

They are doing to us what was done to the Russians when they INVADED Afghanistan and its about

Also seems the Taliban are rising again ... good times.
History repeats itself for idiots who fail to take its lesson to heart.

its not helping you "think"
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