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The Muslims reveal themselves,
and the neocons (maybe) are starting to get it
Published on November 2, 2005 By
Good Point
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Friends have sometimes criticized me for my relentless criticisms of the neoconservatives on the Islam issue, when, after all, the neocons are on the same side of the Islam issue as we are. But that, I reply to my friends, is the very question, isn’t it?
My main gripe with the neocons is that by making so much noise about opposing expansive and militant Islam, they give their conservative readers the reassuring impression that the problem is being recognized and dealt with, when, in fact, their opposition to Islam primarily consists in their support for President Bush’s insane spread-democracy strategy, rather than in a serious concern about the mortally dangerous presence and expansion of Islam in the West. I’m also alarmed by neoconservative polemicists such as Victor Hanson who speak in extremely aggressive terms about our war against what Hanson calls Islamofascism (which again gives conservative readers the comforting impression that we’re fighting our enemy), when in reality Hanson and his ilk only oppose “radical” Islam while pushing for ever greater tolerance for Islam as such. It is truly a false and sinister conservatism that rallies Americans to a war against our enemy, but in fact is calling for surrender to that enemy.
The above considerations lead to two tests of the neocons’ honesty and seriousness on this issue: Do they recognize that the Islamic threat is in the West, not just in the Mideast? And do they recognize that the threat comes from Islam qua Islam, not just from “radical” Islam?
Here’s an
that shows both the true nature of the Islamic threat, and, one hopes, the neocons’ slowly awakening recognition of it. Today at NRO, David Frum quotes one of the most devastating reports on Western Muslims (correction: Muslims residing in the West) that I’ve ever seen. It is devastating for three reasons. First, it reveals that the Muslims’ intent, openly stated by their own leaders, is to take over the societies into which they have immigrated. Second, it makes it clear that this attitude is not one of a supposed “radical” minority of Muslims, but of Muslims as such; the report speaks of “Muslims,” not “radical” Muslims, and it quotes the unofficial spokesman of Britain’s “mainline Muslims," Zaki Badawi, who says that Muslims are not geared to being a minority religion but aim at converting all of humanity into one Islamic umma under sharia law. Third, the report makes it clear that this Muslim aggression is not a mere cultural habit and belief, which could presumably be changed by “assimilation,” and “democratization,” but is mandated by their religion.
Any person who logically considers these facts and does not evade their implications must reach the same conclusion that I have stated for years: Muslims in significant numbers do not belong in any Western society, period.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 02, 2005 01:11 PM
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