Fifty years ago no Christian would have taken offense to “Happy Holidays”. Now that many Christians do is not, as our shocked liberals believe, a vicious political radicalism infecting the right-wing wackos – rather is it that the meaning of “Happy Holidays” has changed. It still does mean “Happy Holidays” but it has been, through the mandates of retail employers, ad campaigns, and general cultural ubiquity come to be the approved, sanitized, politically correct thing to say. Two years ago one of my fellow retail clerks, a Christian by baptism, was offended by my using the word “Christmas” freely with customers. This my friends is not sensitivity - it is a ghetto mentality. Now that the word “Holiday” has been taken to include Kwanza and Hanukkah and New Year’s – it is starting to strike at Christian symbols – we have “Holiday Trees” and “traditional holiday stockings”. You know, like Jews have “Holiday candle-holders.”